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Flowing from grief and loss come the normal feelings and thoughts of wanting to escape the current pain you’re experiencing. Those thoughts are normal.  You never thought of pain so bad, so intense, so unrelenting.  You may even begin thinking that you just can’t make it without your loved one. One thought leads to another and before you know it, you might have even considered taking your own life or how you would plan to do that. Please ask for help. Suicide is not the solution.

When your thought life has developed a pattern of suicidal thinking, it’s absolutely the time, right now to ask for help.  You need another voice in your life, immediately. The problem you’re facing right now on top of all the pain and sorrow is that the only person you’ve been talking to you is yourself and you’re not getting good counsel from yourself.  Suicide is a painful long-lasting decision to a short term problem. It will wreck havoc in your family, among your friends, and for all those who care for you. Find someone you can trust and speak with them.

The fleeting thoughts of wanting to escape the pain are normal. Even our brother Paul, the great Apostle and servant of God had fleeting thoughts of leaving this world and joining God in the heavenly eternity.

For to me, living is for Christ, and dying is even better.  Yet if I live, that means fruitful service for Christ. I really don’t know which is better.  I’m torn between two desires: Sometimes I want to live, and sometimes I long to go and be with Christ. That would be far better for me, but it is better for you that I live. Phil 1:21-24 (NLT)

Never neglect or ignore a pattern of suicidal thoughts in your life. Reach out to someone right away.  You’re right, it may be difficult, hard, and even humbling, but your life is worth it.  Allow someone to walk this path with you. Better yet, invite someone into your life at this exact painful point.

What you can do if you feel suicidal:

  1. Call 9 1 1 or go to your local emergency room.
  2. Call a friend, or a family member, doctor, pastor, church, or counselor immediately and tell that person you’re feeling suicidal.
  3. Call a suicide help line 24/7 like 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Put this phone number into your contacts list to have with you at any time all the time.

The Bible is filled with many men and women crying out to God in the middle of their distress. Most of the Psalms are filled with the heart felt cries of David in midst of great, trying circumstances. Turn to the Bible, open it to the book of Psalms, and begin reading expecting the Lord Jesus Christ to minister to your heart. You can also visit a web site and look through the resources there as well as find a group to meet with in your area to help you in this difficult season of grief.

Here’s a suggested prayer you can speak to God:

“Dear Heavenly Father, I’m overwhelmed. I don’t like thinking or feeling the way I am right now, and I want this all to stop. Help me remember that You see my tears and hear my every thought. I am frozen and don’t know what to door who to turn to. Help me to trust that You are with me, even now, and to trust is no problem or situation too big for You to handle. Guide and direct me to the person or the help I need. Thank you for loving me, and thank you for the Bible because it points me to hope. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”


  • Julie Brady says:

    Thank you Pastor Ed. I’m so close to the edge and have been for quite a while now. Within the last 5 years I’ve lost a 17 year old business; my husband of 35 years ( to a 29 year old), my home, my only son over a stupid argument and has yet to “return” to the home and never thought I’d be in this place at 63. I feel like I’m on the way out anyway, why not just speed it up. I’m an only child. I lost my mom when I was 11. Raised by a detached, non-emotional father and looking for love in all the wrong places for years. He passed from Alzheimer’s 7 years ago. I was the only one to take care of him. Horrible. He went to the grave having never told me “I love you”. I’ve suffered from anxiety and depression for about 12 years. I don’t even have a need for a will. PLEASE give me your wisdom as I think very highly of you. I live in Tucson and tried to talk w you at the Pastors Conference but you said it wasn’t a good time, you had to catch a plane only to see you talking with someone else for a good half hour. I go to Calvary Tucson and have spoken to a counselor that spent an hour telling me what was wrong with me. I left feeling worse. Rejection again.

    • Jenna Taney says:

      Thank you so much Pastor Ed. I have been struggling with a lot of suicidal thoughts and this was very helpful. Everything you teach is very helpful. I am also struggling with very bad anger issues and for that I feel like I have lost my freedom and my friends and my family. And I have also been struggling with hallucinations and seeing things that aren’t there. Also known as schizophrenia. So I was hoping you could do a teaching on how to deal with anger management and things you suggest that I should do. As well as a teaching on what to do to get rid of the Demons that are suffering me with the hallucinations and delusions. It would be an honor if you could do teachings on things people struggle with through out their life such as anxiety and depression and things like that. Because I am struggling with all of those things. I mean I have lost a lot of things and I feel like I have lost my freedom and that I am stuck and I don’t know how to get out of these feelings. Please let me know what I should do.
      Thank you Pastor Ed

  • TONI R says:

    Jenna… you are loved, you matter to me a stranger reading this page. I too have encountered loss. Some the same as you, some different. Never give up..there is always a way. Some days I am numb. I do understand. Email me…I need to reach out and encourage and support you.. I promised the many acts of kindness I can do, I will.
    He performed a medical miracle for my husband. No one should feel alone and unimportant.

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