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So He said to them, “When you pray, say: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven. Give us day by day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins, For we also forgive everyone who is indebted to us. And do not lead us into temptation, But deliver us from the evil one.” Luke 11:2-4 (NKJV)

When you pray, try to fully understand your trouble. It is a good idea to write it down and then come to the Lord. There is frequently too much indistinctness in our prayers. We really do not know what we are aiming at, and consequently we miss the mark. We have no clear idea what it is that we are seeking from the Lord. Therefore we do not get it.

If we really know our grief, our pain, our sin, and the plague of our hearts, we can go before the Lord and say, “This is my trouble. Lord, I confess it to You with a broken heart and a contrite spirit.” Then it will not be long until the Lord in mercy will give us peace.

Dear troubled friend, there is no relief like prayer. If you are in despair, let me gently tell you that there is One who is ready to give you a full hearing, whatever your trouble. The Lord Jesus Christ already knows all about your trouble. I do not know about it. I cannot tell all that you need. But I do know that all you want between here and heaven is stored up in Christ Jesus.

You need Jesus. And if you get Jesus, you never will have a want that is outside of Christ. You will never have a need that is not within the matchless circle of His unspeakable all–sufficiency.

Take Christ to your heart, and your fortune is made! When the Lord Jesus Christ is yours, you will have all that you need for time and eternity. May the Lord bless you for Jesus’ sake.

— Charles Spurgeon


  • Avant says:

    Another reason why… after the disciples had been with and actually heard Jesus pray , the Bible tells us they asked Him to teach us to pray.. As John taught his disciples….its very important to seek Him , fervently and with all our heart as we bring everything to God in prayer… How should we pray …. pray and continue to pray as you are led by The Holy Spirit..

  • Kimary Marchese says:

    Thank you Lord that the God of the Universe is mindful of my needs. I desire that more and more my first reaction to everything is to offer it up to you and to be able to discern and obey your direction.

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