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The Power of Truth: Insights from the “Lead to Serve” Podcast

In a world where dishonesty often seems the norm, I invite you to join me for the latest episode of the “Lead to Serve” podcast with guest Pastor Bob Claycamp. In this episode, we will dive deep into the significance of honesty in both our personal and ministry relationships. These principles will help you foster deeper relationships and become a more effective leader.

The Foundation of Truth

I can suggest an alternative title for this episode, “Don’t Be a Stinking Liar.” But putting aside all joking, it is so vital to tell the truth. Truthfulness is foundational to effective leadership and servanthood. Pastor Bob reminds us that “a half-truth is a full lie.”

In this episode, I also share my personal journey with dishonesty, recounting a time before I became a believer where this was my life. I frequently lied and manipulated situations to get what I wanted. I am so thankful for the work God has done in my life to address this issue. Pastor Bob reminds us how dishonesty can creep into our lives and become a habit. Lying can often stem from a fear of consequences or our desire to want people to think the best about us.

Did you know that, according to studies, we encounter around 200 lies a day? This is a sobering reminder of how normalized dishonesty has become in our culture. Dishonesty, in every form big or small, leads to significant consequences and creates a heavy burden, as one must continually manage the lies. Truthfulness, though sometimes painful, ultimately leads to freedom and healing.

The Modesto Manifesto

One thing that we have adopted here at Calvary Church is the “Modesto Manifesto.” This is a set of principles developed by the Billy Graham Association that helps maintain integrity among leaders. The idea of the Modesto Manifesto is to create principles that help us live above reproach. The first principle is to guard against lying and deceit. Dishonestly hurts people! The simple act of truthfulness can prevent a culture of dishonesty. It is simple: telling the truth all the time is what God requires. It’s interesting how small, intentional steps toward honesty can make a big difference in fostering trust and authenticity in leadership.

You can see the entire Modesto Manifesto on my website

The Impact of Rumors and Gossip

It is important to remember that dishonesty isn’t just about outright lies. In this podcast episode, Pastor Bob points out that rumors, gossip, and character assassinations all stem from a lack of truthfulness. When we hear something about someone, it is essential to remember that there is always a back story. Being a person of truth means that you think the best first.

The Bible tells us in Proverbs 18:17, “The first one to plead his cause seems right,

Until his neighbor comes and examines him.” It’s fascinating how the first person to present a case can seem credible, but only until the entire story is revealed. This makes seeking the whole truth, especially in leadership, so important.

Thank you for joining us for this episode of Lead to Serve, in which we focused on the importance of living in truth. Pastor Bob and I encourage all listeners to reflect on their lives and consider areas where dishonesty may have crept in. Although we live in a world that may normalize dishonesty, as believers, we are called to a higher standard of truthfulness. As we desire to become more like Jesus, remember God is not only a God of truth but also one of compassion and mercy. Let’s humbly take our shortcomings to him, allowing the Holy Spirit to work within us to cultivate a spirit of truthfulness.

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