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Wise Counsel on Servant Leadership
Exodus 18

As I taught through this section, I saw four major themes: spiritual leadership, giving and receiving wise counsel, giving thanks to the Lord for all He has done, and the responsibilities of guiding others in faith. These insights are relevant to church leaders and anyone striving to lead a life of purpose and influence.

Spiritual Leadership

Spiritual leadership comes with significant responsibility. James 3:1 tells us that teachers and leaders will face greater severity in judgment and will be held to stricter standards. How does that sound? Now, before you say, “Whew, glad I’m not a leader!” I want to remind you that we are all leaders and teachers in one way or another. Whether in our homes, work, or sphere of influence, it is important to approach leadership with humility and a sense of duty. Remember – God will equip those He has called.

Prioritizing Family

Balancing leadership and personal life can be challenging, but it boils down to priorities. Remember that the priority is to seek first the Kingdom of God, and he will give direction. It is never God’s will for us to serve the church more than we serve our own family. Ministry always comes from a healthy family. Don’t think for a moment that you can have an upside-down house where you neglect your home, your marriage, and kids, or your singleness and still be effective. It doesn’t work that way. We have to be consistent. This touching reunion of Moses and his family reminds us that family time is crucial, even when responsibilities are overwhelming. God will be faithful in giving direction on how to love our families well while fulfilling his leadership duties.

The Power of Personal Testimonies

Ever consider the impact of sharing your personal testimony? In Exodus 18, Moses’ reunion with Jethro shows us just that. Jethro, initially a pagan priest, came to acknowledge the one true God through Moses’ stories of God’s faithfulness. When we share our experiences, we can bridge gaps and spark meaningful conversations about faith. The reunion between Moses and Jethro is filled with excitement and encouragement as Moses shares the stories of God’s miraculous works. And what did it lead to? Jethro is getting saved and giving thanks! Friends, we should want more of this in our lives. To give thanks to the Lord for all He has done.

Giving Thanks to the Lord

Focusing on the challenges and hard things is easy, but celebrating God’s blessings and faithfulness is vital. Cultivate a habit of rejoicing even in tough times. Reflecting on our spiritual milestones, big or small, can be incredibly uplifting.

Receiving Wise Counsel

Did you know Moses led over three million Israelites out of Egypt? That is a ton and led to Moses serving those before him from morning to night. Jethro, his father-in-law, saw this and determined, “The thing that you do is not good!” (Exodus 18:17) Jethro exhorted Moses to seek the Lord for confirmation but to appoint capable leaders to share the load. One person cannot do it all. Here at Calvary Church, we say, “We is the language of ministry!”

By embracing leadership responsibilities, seeking wise counsel, fostering collaboration, and prioritizing personal and family life, we can lead effectively and inspire others in their faith journey. Remember, leadership is not about doing it alone but about working together as a community, sharing the burdens and the joys, and ultimately glorifying God through our actions.

As you reflect on these truths from Exodus 18, consider how you can apply them to your life and leadership. Whether you are a church leader, a community organizer, or simply someone striving to make a positive impact, these principles can help you become a more effective leader.

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