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How the Devil Comes After Us
Acts 25: 1-12

In my recent weekend teaching at Calvary Church, I explained “How the Devil Comes After Us.” Drawing from the biblical text, Acts 25, I taught about some of the devil’s tactics in spiritual warfare to attack believers. When we understand the enemy’s schemes, we are better equipped to stand firm in our faith.

The Devil Attacks Through Discouragement

Discouragement is the most common and effective tool the devil uses. Discouragement is defined as painful emotions that disturb the mind, often leading to worry and anxiety. To illustrate this, I shared an old fable about the devil holding a sale of his tools, where discouragement is the most valuable because it can open doors to other attacks.

In Acts 25, the Apostle Paul has been imprisoned under house arrest for over two years, facing unjust trials. He finds himself experiencing discouragement, unable to fulfill his desire to preach the gospel. However, Jesus reassures Paul during this time, reminding him of his purpose. Jesus does the same for us!  We are reminded in Ephesians 6 that when we put on the whole armor of God, we can stand against all the wiles of the devil!

The Devil’s Attacks are Relentless

We often expect a break after enduring a lengthy trial, but the enemy does not relent. We see an example of that here in Acts 25. Even after two years of imprisonment, the Jewish leaders continue to seek to take Paul’s life. There is a different high priest, but they use the same tactic: an ambush. The same is true for us. The circumstances will change, but the enemy is always there. The devil never takes a day off. He is relentless.

The Devil Wants to See You Ruined and Destroyed

1 Peter 5:8 says, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” The devil’s ultimate goal is to ruin and destroy believers. And what is the primary weapon he uses? Sin. Sin leads to death—both spiritually and temporally. This is why I always say, “It is never wise to flirt with sin – not even a little bit!”

The Devil is the Accuser of the Brethren

Satan often uses lies to accuse us. Jesus himself says, “He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him.” (John 8:44) The enemy often plants thoughts of guilt, shame, and regret in our minds, leading us to feel inadequate. You are not good enough; you are not repenting right; are you even saved because you are not taking being a Christian seriously enough? These are just a few of the endless lies the devil will send our way. But here is the good news! With every accusation from the enemy comes the defense of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! The Lord will be our defender! John 8:32 says, “ And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” Friends, the devil loses his power when we stay in the truth. He won’t stop, but his power over you does!

The Devil Wants to Remove You from the Place of Safety!

Let me warn you against the enemy’s tactics to tempt and isolate believers. It is vital that we stay connected with other believers and our church family, especially during times of discouragement or conflict. It is very hard for the devil to be successful when we are actively engaging in worshipping the Lord. Whether listening to a Bible study, singing worship songs, or fellowshipping with other believers, we are stronger together.

What do you think the purpose of life is? What do you think the purpose of your life is?

One thing I see in Paul’s life is that he had one passion, one goal, no matter who was in front of him – to share the hope found in Jesus Christ. This purpose influenced his thoughts, his speech, and his every decision. No matter what came his way – he remained focused. It is a perfect example for us. Let us seek God first above all else. I am reminded of Solomon’s wisdom: fearing God and keeping His commandments are the essence of life. Let’s follow Paul’s example and honor God in every situation. Seek Him first, and everything else will follow.

My study through the beginning of Acts 25 reminds believers to be vigilant against the devil’s tactics, particularly discouragement, relentless attacks, and accusations. By understanding these strategies, we can stand firm in our faith and resist the enemy’s schemes. Remember to stay connected to God, avoid sin, and seek support from your church community. By prioritizing your relationship with God and seeking His kingdom first, you can navigate the challenges of spiritual warfare and fulfill your God-given purpose.

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