Ministry 11 Fascinating Facts About Angels You Probably Didn’t Know Angels are fascinating created beings. They are not God. They are not to be worshipped. Yet God uses them in some unique and incredible ways.…Ed TaylorJune 16, 2018
Ministry 25 Characteristics Of People in the Last Days There are so many today who belittle any references to what the Bible calls the "last days". Some go so far as to mock followers…Ed TaylorJune 9, 2018
Life Just Because You Can Doesn’t Mean You Should Just because you can doesn't mean you should. Remember that. Christian freedom doesn't take priority over God's love. Don’t rob the poor just because you…Ed TaylorMay 23, 2018
Life What Do I Do When I’m Overwhelmed There are those times in all of our lives when we think the difficulty is so large that there is no way out. It's over.…Ed TaylorMay 9, 2018
Ministry Yes, God Can Use You Even though you may have written yourself off the list of those who God wants to use in a wonderful way, God hasn't done that.…Ed TaylorApril 12, 2018
Grief Every Life Is Touched With Trials Taken from Bible Study Series, "Help For the Troubled Heart" Week 1 No one in their right mind wants to experience trials and difficulties. If…Ed TaylorNovember 28, 2017
Ministry Whatever You Do Grow in Grace The Bible has a lot to say about the glorious grace of God. You could say that grace is mentioned from Genesis 1:1 all the…Ed TaylorNovember 13, 2017
Ministry Godly Character is Not Formed in the Classroom I recently re-read the memoir of Pastor Chuck Smith entitled, “A Memoir of Grace”. (You can purchase a copy here.) The last chapter has in…Ed TaylorOctober 19, 2017
LifeMinistry We Want To Finish Well Moses was 120 years old when he died, yet his eyesight was clear, and he was as strong as ever. Deut 34:7 (NLT) -- Consider these…Ed TaylorJuly 21, 2017
Grief Enjoying the Peace of God King David is enjoying an unusual season of 'peace' as 2 Samuel 7 opens. God has given him rest from his enemies all around. Oh for…Ed TaylorMarch 31, 2017