10 Bible Verses 10 Bible Verses About Self-Pity What does the Bible say about Self-Pity? Exodus 16:3 (NKJV) “And the children of Israel said to them, “Oh, that we had died by the…Ed TaylorJanuary 20, 2023
Life The World Has A Way and God Has A Way I'm often asked, and maybe you are too, how a person can be used greatly by the Lord. How can I really know the direction…Ed TaylorJanuary 19, 2023
10 Bible Verses 10 Bible Verses About Self-Control What does the Bible say about Self-Control? Proverbs 16:32 (NKJV) “He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, And he who rules…Ed TaylorJanuary 19, 2023
10 Bible Verses 10 Bible Verses About Self-Centeredness What does the Bible say about Self-Centeredness? Matthew 20:26–28 (NKJV) “Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among…Ed TaylorJanuary 18, 2023
10 Bible Verses 10 Bible Verses About Seeking God’s Will What does the Bible say about Seeking God's Will Psalm 32:8 (NKJV) “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;…Ed TaylorJanuary 17, 2023
Life You Can’t Do This On Your Own Not by might. Not by Power. But by my Spirit says the Lord of Hosts. Don't forget that. Ever It's always difficult to face the…Ed TaylorJanuary 16, 2023
10 Bible Verses 10 Bible Verses About Satan What does the Bible say about Satan? Job 1:6–12 (NKJV) “Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before…Ed TaylorJanuary 16, 2023
10 Bible Verses 10 Bible Verses About Salvation What does the Bible say about Salvation? 2 Samuel 12:22–23 (NKJV) “And he said, “While the child was alive, I fasted and wept; for I…Ed TaylorJanuary 13, 2023
Life I So Desperately Want to Please God What exactly stirs us to live sacrificially committed lives for Jesus Christ? That's a question answered in dozens of ways. Some would say we must…Ed TaylorJanuary 12, 2023
10 Bible Verses 10 Bible Verses About Repentance What does the Bible say about Repentance? 2 Chronicles 7:14 (NKJV) “if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray…Ed TaylorJanuary 12, 2023