Grief 13 Biblical Ways To Deny Yourself Jesus made it clear for any and all who desire to follow after Him. The key, the first step, the gateway to entering into a…Ed TaylorMay 6, 2020
Life 8 Things You Can Do About Sin Sin is a real, positive evil. The Greek word itself means to "miss the mark". Each and every one of us have missed the mark…Ed TaylorMay 4, 2020
Life 10 Things That CANNOT Separate Us From God’s Love Even though at times we may 'feel' like we are far from the love of God, nothing can separate the believer from His love. Nothing.…Ed TaylorApril 27, 2020
Life God Uses The Crisis to Deepen Our Dependence Upon Him None of us want to be in deep crisis. Who does really? When I think of facing troubling times or hard situations I think of…Ed TaylorApril 21, 2020
Life Is COVID-19 Coronavirus God’s Judgment on the United States A believer's wake up call in 2020! Revelation 3:15–22 (NLT) “I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I…Ed TaylorApril 14, 2020
10 Bible VersesLife 50 Bible Verses for Comfort Looking for verses to comfort you? Here are 50 Deuteronomy 31:6 (NKJV) 6 Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid…Ed TaylorMarch 24, 2020
Life Hope For Trying Times When a crisis hits, the first thing usually to go is our hope. Our hope that anything will change. Our hope that we will make…Ed TaylorMarch 19, 2020
10 Bible VersesLife 15 Bible Verses on Peace As we turn to the Word, we find a lot of help to settle our restless minds. Consider these powerful truths on Peace and rest!…Ed TaylorMarch 18, 2020
Life Stay On Course There is far too much wandering going on among the people of God today. Why are so many throwing up their spiritual hands and quitting? …Ed TaylorJune 20, 2018
Ministry 7 Things To Consider Related To Pastors & Adultery Above all else, guard your heart, for it affects everything you do. Prov 4:23 (NLT) These are no small words of warning from Solomon to his…Ed TaylorAugust 1, 2017