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Separated by a couple of thousand miles, sitting in my Florida hotel room with Pastor Joel, I watched my son Josh deliver a powerful Bible study tonight. Being in Florida for a conference was actually the reason he was filling in to teach and share the Word at Calvary Aurora. He stood among one of the most love filled congregations I know and shared some of the deepest points of pain he’s experienced in life.  His brother died. It was crushing.

He shared an incarnational Word, one where God’s truths took on reality in a life. His life.  A word that didn’t merely come “from” him but truly “through” him. God made the Word come alive as Josh weaved his testimony in and through the Scriptures. He let us into the depths of his personal pain and the tragedies he experienced after his best friend and only brother died in a hospice room some 968 days ago.

Yes, It was hard to listen to. I felt his pain. I felt his tears. I connected heart to heart with him. I remembered back to those days while he was at Bible College and how we weren’t really able to be by his side to comfort him. His mom and I were taken out, blindsided by the deep anguish of loss, faced with  unfathomable actions no grieving parent should have to face in the midst of such searing pain, and dealing with the dark pit in the aftermath of watching our strong young healthy son die a senseless death.

I’m proud of Josh as his dad. I’m honored to serve alongside of Josh as his pastor. I’m humbled to be his friend. His bravery in sharing his life and his loyalty to the true solid Word of God blessed me. Most people when they face grief do so privately. It’s their privilege to endure the darkest days in relative privacy. However it is our privilege as a family, to grieve and face horrendous pains and horrific grief in a more public fashion.  We are His. We serve God at His pleasure. Our lives are on display to highlight the absolute certainty of God’s faithfulness.

If you want to be encouraged by a real life story of God’s grace listen in and share.

Great job son. Love dad.

P.S. Eddie you didn’t die in vain. Looking forward to seeing you then and your heart for your son to come to pass very soon here and now. The best is yet to come.

His Promises Are True” by Josh Taylor from Calvary Aurora on Vimeo.


  • Val says:

    Wow. Such a powerful message. One I know so many of us needed to hear, including me. Josh thank you for your courage to share such a personal testimony of Gods faithfulness in your life. You have such an amazing family and I thank God for your ministry!

  • Nicole says:

    Bless you both for sharing your hearts like this, despite the pain. Or because of it.

  • Pastor
    I too listen to your son Josh last night. I was touched with tears of Gods faithfulness. I was encouraged by the teaching of Gods word as I am going through a difficult time again in my life. When the screen froze on my end. Josh was standing in the middle facing the cross and the two screens in the sanctuary read “We will praise Him with our lives” God takes us from glory to glory and faith to faith. This was a message of a young man who truly knows God the “I Am”
    For himself. 😉

    PS his name is JOSHUA hummm
    Thank you Jesus!

  • Steve Tong says:


    Thank you for sharing. Your words spoke God’s Truths, but more importantly, brought comfort to me. For I to am in mourning. It is a season of grief. I don’t want it to pass without finding what God’s intent is for it. Thank you for shining His light.

    God Bless,


  • Chris says:

    We too were blessed by Josh’s willingness (even compulsion) to share about his darkest hours and hisHe reliance upon the Lord during this time and how the Lord brought him through it day by day and verse by verse. I hope someday to hear the three messages he discarded as well. Praise the Lord for you family!

  • Angela says:

    Thank you for sharing your heart and part of your testimony. All my grandparents are with the Lord and what an amazing hope we have that yes one day we will see them and our awesome Savior! There are days when I miss them, but I cling to Gods word and the wonderful memories of them. Thank you for the reminders of Gods promises! As I prayed for you and your family, I was encouraged, inspired, to dive more into His word and blessed to be a part of the church of God! Continue to grow!

  • Martha Bezuwork says:

    Dearest Josh,
    I too, amongst so many others, was so blessed to hear your heart felt testimony last night. I shared your tears but most of all rejoiced over the Faithfulness of our Lord, coming to you in His loving way to comfort you with nuggets of His truth. It was an absolute blessing. Not only that, being a parent of three kids myself, I also felt the blessing being poured out on your beloved parents as they hear you testify about the goodness of our Father. I am telling you there is no joy better than watching your kids follow after God’s heart. It’s paradoxical really, I am so sorry that you’d have to walk through such a tragedy at such a young age; but at the same time, I am also joyous and thankful that you chose to walk it out with Christ, our Lord and High Priest who sympathies with our sorrows,trials and weaknesses. May God bless you, and continue to pour out His love and His Spirit on you now and forever. Amen
    P.S. Dearest Marie and Pastor Ed, I just want to echo our beloved brother Saint John’s word:” I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.” 3 John 4.
    Our blessed hope is in Christ.
    Love, Martha

  • Jennie Crunk says:

    What a blessing this father & son are to so many!

  • Ethan says:

    This story of Eddie, and the sermon especially from your son Josh helped me so much this morning as I struggle and think over life now with cancer. I was a student at CCBC in 2009 and was reminiscing good times when I found your blog.

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