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Taken from Bible Study Series, “Help For the Troubled Heart”

Week 1

No one in their right mind wants to experience trials and difficulties. If given the choice, most if not all of us, would choose a rather easy and comfortable life. If given that choice, it would be disastrous. Spiritual growth comes through the pains.

That’s one of the reasons God, in His Sovereign plan, leads our lives and uses difficulties to grow us up into maturity.  We no longer want to live our lives apart from the wisdom of God! Men like Joseph, Moses, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, and Daniel would testify to God’s powerful hand in their lives through the trials, not apart from them.  There is no way whatsoever any of us will sidestep the pains, problems, sorrows, and sufferings of life.

No one, in their right mind, wants to experience trials and difficulties. Share on X

There you are sitting in front of your computer in pain.  You might be holding a phone or an iPad in your hand in so much pain that you’re afraid to tell anyone. Your heart is aching in hurt.

You might be in so much pain that you're afraid to tell anyone. Share on X

God is able to work in your life right where you are.  He is able to get you through it.  Yes, just you and God!

God is able to get you through this difficulty. Share on X

Help For The Troubled Heart Testimonies – Frank Lopez from Calvary Aurora on Vimeo.

The Bible study begins at around the 48:00 mark.

There is no way any of us will sidestep the pains, problems, sorrows, and sufferings of life. Share on X

One Comment

  • Juanita Taylor says:

    Thank You, Lord for using the Holy Spirit to speak through Brother Ed and directly to me. My life is in Your Sovereighn hands , and You are absolute Truth – no matter how I feel – ” or how much pain I “feel.” You said that Your grace is sufficient – Your strength is made perfect in my weakness. I believe You. Help and forgive any unintentional unbelief . Use me – in whatever state , as I yield to You – all of me, for Your glory . In the sweet name of Jesus- Who is Faithful and True. Why so downcast O my soul, HOPE THOU IN GOD! HE IS THE LIFTER OF MY COUNTENANCE ! THE LIFTER OF MY HEAD ! HOW LONG O LORD? AS LONG AS IT TAKES – My SOUL WAITS THOU ONLY UPON YOU!

    His grace , mercy and peace be multiplied to you , my brother. Thank you so very much.

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