When we think of the Ten Commandments, it’s easy to view them as a list of dos and don’ts, a set of rigid rules handed down from on high. But what if we looked at them differently? What if, instead of seeing them as restrictions, we saw them as a blueprint for freedom and relationships?
We looked at the first three last time:
#1 – No Other gods before Me. Exclusive worship.
#2 – No Idols/Carved Images. Idols steal away our hearts.
#3 – No Taking Lord’s Name in Vain. His identity is pure.
Today, we will look at the next three.
Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
The fourth commandment isn’t just about attending a weekly religious service. It’s an invitation to rest, a divine permission slip to take a break from the relentless pace of life. In a world that glorifies busyness and productivity, God says, “Stop. Rest. Breathe.”
This command to rest was revolutionary when given to the Israelites, who had known nothing but ceaseless labor under Egyptian slavery. It’s equally radical today in our 24/7, always-on culture. By commanding rest, God shows His care for our well-being, acknowledging our need for physical, emotional, and spiritual renewal.
The call to rest isn’t about legalism or specific days; it’s about regularly setting aside time to commune with God, connect with loved ones, and rejuvenate our souls. It’s a rhythm of life that keeps us centered and reminds us that our worth isn’t tied to our productivity. Rest – it is a gift from God!
Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.
The next commandment goes beyond childhood obedience; it’s a lifelong call to respect and value those who gave us life. With this one, God is giving us the order for the home… Parents are in charge. Honoring your mom and dad is tough for any kid, especially those navigating through the teenage years. But it’s God’s design. Parents are given as gifts to kids… to teach them, train them, and help them handle the issues of life.
But what about those with difficult or abusive parents? The key lies in forgiveness. Honoring doesn’t mean approving all actions or putting oneself in harm’s way. It starts with the hard work of forgiveness – releasing the debt of hurt and pain, not for the other person’s sake, but for our freedom.
Forgiveness doesn’t always lead to reconciliation, which requires repentance and change. But it does free us from the prison of bitterness and resentment. It’s a supernatural act, possible only through God’s grace and the evidence of His work in our lives.
You shall not murder.
At first glance, this seems like an easy one to check off. Most of us have never and will never physically take another person’s life. But Jesus took this commandment deeper, to the root of murder: anger.
In Matthew 5, Jesus equates angry words and insults with murder, showing that the issue isn’t just about physical actions but the condition of our hearts. In the original language, the word murder here means long-lived anger, the anger of a man who nurses his anger to keep it warm.
Today, we might say that person is holding a grudge!
How often do we “murder” others in our thoughts or with our words? How quick are we to call someone an idiot, ugly, stupid, or even a fool? We talk down to others or, worse, talk behind their back.
It’s essential to examine our hearts and root out the anger, bitterness, and contempt that can fester there. We are challenged to value every human life, not just in preserving physical life but also in how we treat and speak about others.
Jesus even taught that if we come to worship and remember that someone has something against us, we should first go and be reconciled. This challenges us to live at peace with others as much as it depends on us, to seek reconciliation, and to keep short accounts.
These commandments reveal that God is more interested in the state of our hearts than in our outward compliance with rules. True worship isn’t just about attending a service or performing religious rituals. It’s about having a right heart before God and with others.
The beauty of these commandments is that they aren’t meant to restrict us but to set us free. When we align our lives with God’s design – resting regularly, honoring our parents (even through the difficult work of forgiveness), and guarding our hearts against anger and contempt – we find true liberty.
This freedom isn’t a license to sin or compromise. Instead, it’s the joy of living with a clear conscience, unburdened by guilt, shame, or bitterness. It’s the freedom to love God and others wholeheartedly, knowing we are loved and forgiven.
As Proverbs 4:23 reminds us, “Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.” When we allow God to rule and reign in our hearts, we experience a depth of relationship with Him and others that transcends mere rule-following.