10 Bible Verses 10 Bible Verses About Jesus, His Death What does the Bible say about Jesus His Death? Mark 15:39 (NKJV) “So when the centurion, who stood opposite Him, saw that He cried out…Ed TaylorMay 1, 2022
Grief Facing Hopelessness It seems like every day hopelessness knocks on the door. Unfortunately, we often open up and let it walk right in and take over our…Ed TaylorApril 29, 2022
Ministry God Rescues and Redeems Sin is so pervasive today that it sometimes clouds our clear view of God’s great forgiveness. When Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden, they…Ed TaylorApril 28, 2022
10 Bible Verses 10 Bible Verses About Jesus, His Second Coming What does the Bible say about Jesus His Second Coming? Isaiah 66:15 (NKJV) “For behold, the Lord will come with fire And with His chariots,…Ed TaylorApril 28, 2022
10 Bible Verses 10 Bible Verses About Jesus, His Humanity What does the Bible say about Jesus His Humanity? Matthew 22:45 (NKJV) “If David then calls Him ‘Lord,’ how is He his Son?”” Mark 6:3…Ed TaylorApril 27, 2022
Thoughts Goodbye Calvary Chapel Bible College in Murrieta 😢 Memories. Someone once said they could be your best friends or your worst enemies. Well, my memories include both good friends and worst enemies. Which…Ed TaylorApril 26, 2022
10 Bible Verses 10 Bible Verses About Food Addiction What does the Bible say about Food Addiction Psalm 127:1–2 (NKJV) “Unless the Lord builds the house, They labor in vain who build it; Unless…Ed TaylorApril 26, 2022
Life You Need to Deal With Your Hidden Sin Very few things slow the progress of the Church more than hidden sin in the camp. Have you heard of that phrase before? It comes…Ed TaylorApril 25, 2022
Life 3 Cures For Worry and Anxiety "Worry doesn't empty tomorrow of its sorrow. It empties today of its strength." Corrie Ten Boom I have learned the hard way exactly what Corrie…Ed TaylorApril 22, 2022
Life The Devil is a Liar When I was growing up in Southern California, there was a firework stand that popped up every June called "Red Devil Fireworks." Their mascot was…Ed TaylorApril 21, 2022