Life The Lord on Our Side The Lord on Our Side. Psalm 124:1 (NLT) “What if the Lord had not been on our side? Let all Israel repeat:” If you are…Ed TaylorApril 17, 2020
Life God Never Slumbers God Never Slumbers. Psalm 121:3 (NLT) “He will not let you stumble; the one who watches over you will not slumber.” God is everywhere, in…Ed TaylorApril 16, 2020
Ministry 10 Prophetic Insights from Isaiah & John It was Norman Geisler that taught us, "The New Testament is in the Old concealed, and the Old Testament is in the New revealed." There…Ed TaylorApril 16, 2020
Ministry What Is The Rapture of Church? Maranatha! What a word. It means "Even so, come quickly" or "The Lord Cometh". Jesus is alive and He is coming soon. Are you ready?…Ed TaylorApril 16, 2020
Life Is COVID-19 Coronavirus God’s Judgment on the United States A believer's wake up call in 2020! Revelation 3:15–22 (NLT) “I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I…Ed TaylorApril 14, 2020
Ministry 5 Biblical Insights on The Mark of The Beast During the last 7 years of human history (Great Tribulation Period), the Antichrist will force those living to take a mark upon their foreheads or…Ed TaylorApril 13, 2020
Ministry 14 Biblical Facts About The Antichrist There is a lot of speculation swirling about the purpose, plans, and identity of the Antichrist. Let's turn to the Word of God for insights…Ed TaylorApril 10, 2020
Life I Found Trouble I Found Trouble. Psalm 116:3 (NKJV) “The pains of death surrounded me, And the pangs of Sheol laid hold of me; I found trouble and…Ed TaylorApril 9, 2020
Life COVID-19 Coronavirus Q & A: April 8,2020 Pastor Joshua and I hosted a time of Q & A in light of the COVID-19 Coronavirus crisis we are currently enduring. Watch and share.Ed TaylorApril 9, 2020
Ministry 7 Events Leading Up to the End of the World A common question in any crisis is this "is the end of the world approaching"? The answer to that is yes. We are closer to…Ed TaylorApril 9, 2020