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Taken from Bible Study Series, “Help For the Troubled Heart”

Week 4

Hannah is in a miserable place of desperation. She is barren and unable to conceive a child. She’s married to a man who has another wife!  The other wife is bearing her husband children. She is being mistreated and taunted by this other woman. This has left Hannah sad, broken, misunderstood and desperate. It’s hard to see how God will use this situation.

It's hard to see how God will use this situation. Share on X

Hannah does what many of us would do. She sets out to the place of worship to pour her heart out before her God. Unfortunately, even there, she is met by a corrupt priest. Instead of serving her in compassion and love, he accuses her of being drunk and out of control.

Spiritual leaders must be careful and compassionate to the hurting. Share on X

God sometimes brings to that place of utter desperation and despair. He draws out of us a depth of prayer and devotion that can come no other way. I know when our son Eddie died in 2013, our lives have become one long cry for His presence and His help!  Don’t give me something Lord. Give me You!

God sometimes brings to that place of utter desperation and despair. Share on X

Hannah prays through her crisis and the Lord heard her cry.  He used the crisis in her life to get more of her and along the way, grow her in deep relationship.  There are those times in our lives when crisis hits.  They are always good.  We don’t always see the good in them from this side of heaven, but they are always used by God to get more of us and give us more of Him. He wants our whole heart offered afresh to Him.

God used the crisis in Hannah’s life to draw her ever so closer to Him even as He does that in your life. Trust Him!

Help For The Troubled Heart Testimonies – Bob Busch from Calvary Aurora on Vimeo.

11/5/2017 – The Crisis is God’s Tool To Get More of You from Calvary Aurora on Vimeo.

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