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Taken from Bible Study Series, “Help For the Troubled Heart”

Week 5

Growth, strength, and spiritual maturity for the Christian doesn’t come overnight or by living life smooth sailing. It’s through the trials in life that God grows us and establishes us in Him. God allows tailor made storms to enter into our lives. He allows difficulties and hardships.  Sometimes, God will even send us into a storm.

The disciples of Jesus just witnessed a tremendous miracle. Thousands were fed full by the multiplication of a few fish and loaves.  Among the excitement of the people, Jesus gets away alone to pray and sends His disciples on a boat out in the middle of the Sea of Galilee. There they are met with a large storm and a faithful God!

Effectiveness comes to the follower of Jesus through the storms of life.  There are storms in all of our lives. Some of them come by our own sinful mistakes. Others come as others have sinned and we suffer the pain of their sinful mistakes.  Yet storms, they are allowed by the Lord! Jesus sent His disciples into the middle of a storm. Why? Because they were safer in the will of God in the middle of the storm, than outside of God’s will on the shores of life!

Help For The Troubled Heart Testimonies – Michael & Donna Goertz from Calvary Aurora on Vimeo.

11/19/2017 – Sometimes Jesus Sends Us Into the Storm from Calvary Aurora on Vimeo.

Taken from Bible Study Series, “Help For the Troubled Heart”

Week 5

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