ThoughtsLife10 Bible Verses 22 Bible Verses on Lies & Gossip 'You shall not go about as a talebearer among your people; nor shall you take a stand against the life of your neighbor: I am…Ed TaylorAugust 15, 2016
Ministry A Blind Eye and a Deaf Ear Lecture by Charles Spurgeon Having often said in this room that a minister ought to have one blind eye and one deaf ear, I have…Ed TaylorJuly 29, 2016
Ministry 21 Accountability Questions from John Wesley When John Wesley was a student at Oxford, he was part of a discipleship group where as men, they grew together in the grace and…Ed TaylorJuly 27, 2016
Ministry The Glory of Inconvenience Originally posted on I didn’t sign up for this. When I first got involved in ministry, in serving God for His glory and fame…Ed TaylorJuly 12, 2016
LifeMinistry How Big is Your Problem? Today I hear many times people begin to address their prayers “Oh Eternal One, the great power of the universe” rather ambiguous. It doesn’t speak…Ed TaylorJuly 11, 2016
Ministry Nothing Is Ever Done In Secret Originally posted on by Pastor Ty Orr. It is of utmost importance that men and women of the church, today more than ever in…Ed TaylorJuly 1, 2016
MinistryLife Stay Committed Phillips Brooks on teaching & preaching: “If you are afraid of men and a slave to their opinions, go and do something else. Go and…Ed TaylorJune 29, 2016
Grief My Ways "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways," says the LORD.Isaiah 55:8 (NKJV) God has not promised to rescue us…Ed TaylorJune 27, 2016
Ministry The Minister Ought to Speak As a Prophet for God I am of the firm opinion that no church should be occupied with politics, literature, philosophy, art. It is our belief that the church—and that…Ed TaylorJune 13, 2016
MinistryThoughts 6 Vows Great Leaders Are Willing to Make and Keep Note: This article was written by Rick Warren, and was originally posted on Leaders are always defined by self-imposed standards. I’m not talking about…Ed TaylorJune 3, 2016