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The Lord Is On The Throne

From Pastor Chuck's teaching through Philippians 3: Let’s turn now to Philippians, chapter three. Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. Again remember that Paul…
Ed Taylor
January 20, 2017

Grief Shared

As individual members within a body of believers there is always a looming danger in isolating ourselves, especially in times of great pain and sorrow.…
Ed Taylor
December 5, 2016

The Evil Person Seeks Rebellion

“Evil people are eager for rebellion, but they will be severely punished.” Proverbs‬ ‭17:11‬ ‭NLT‬‬ The classic Biblical example of the unruly man is Absalom…
Ed Taylor
August 18, 2016

Choose Life

Each year, a Sunday in January is specifically set aside to honor the sanctity of life. While it is only a day, we know that every day…
Ed Taylor
January 22, 2016